标题: ?ê????????????Windows 2000----zt

UID 79
精华 0
积分 710
帖子 701
阅读权限 10
注册 2004-8-30
状态 离线
发表于 2005-4-29 22:55  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 
?ê????????????Windows 2000----zt

?ê????????????Windows 2000

Win2000 ×??? 2000 ?ê??·?????????????°é????×?????·?·??ê?ê5 ???ê?·?????à??????
?ó??·??????????????? Win2000???????????? Win2000 ?????? WinXP??????????????
???????á?? Win98/WinMe ??×÷????????

kid ?????????·?? Windows 2000 ????ó??·?????????????????? Beta °??? Win2000 ??????
kid ???????à?????ù?????????????? M$ ???????????ó????????×÷?????????° kid ??????
Win95/98 ?????????¨?????????ó?????? Windows ME ?????? kid ???????ó???à?·??
?? Windows 2000 ????????????????????????±?????°?×°?????í??????±?±??ü???????·????±????¨???§????±?????
×????????????????????ê?????è???????????????í??????????????-- ???????à?????¨????????
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???ó?? Win XP ??kid ???????? Win2000 ??????????°???????????????????????????
Win2000 ???????????ù???? Win2000 ????°??????á?? M$ ?ó???????? WinXP ?????à????

???????? , Win2000 ???????ê??????????±??????????????? WinXP ??·??????ó??????
???????????????????????????????????????????? Win98 ?????ò???ü??????????????????
?°?ú???±????×÷???????ü???????à?? IT ???????????ò???????????? ??×÷?????¨?à??
????????????±????? win 98 ????????

???§???????±???????????°????????×??? M$ ???????????????§?????á?? Win2000 ???¨
?????ó????×????????????à°é?? 5 ?ê?? Win2000 ??????×??ò?ê??????????????°???
?§?ê?????????????±???????????????????? Win2000 ????????????????????????????
kid ?????ü???????????????à?????? WinXP??

???????????? Win2000 ????????

1???? M$ 2004 ?ê ·??? Win2000- SP4 ,???ü???????????÷??°???????????????????????
?á??????USB 2.0?????????????????§?????ó?? 2005 ?ê 1??26?? ?? M$ ?¤???????ò??
????·???  Windows 2000 ?? Service Pack ???????? Win XP, ??????????×÷????????????
?? Service Pack ?§????

??????????????????Windows 2000???????§??????????????????????????×?????????????°?????
??×÷?????????????í?????????? Win 2000 ?á?????????????ò?????????§?????????????±??????
·?·? M$ ?×?ú NT ???ù??

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    ?????ó?ú???????????????? M$ ?????????ó?????ò?ü??????×÷??????±????á??
·?·????ì?? Win98 ????????????????????????

??????Ovum×?????????????·?????Graham??Titterington ?????????í???ù

[B]2??5 ?ê???°?? Win2000 ?·???? 5 ?ê???ó?????????±·??§????[/B]±?????×????? 64 ?????í?÷??

kid ????????  64bit °??? WinXP ???????????????? 64bit ?? Win2000??????????????±???????
???¨ IT ?? Highway ?????????è??????????°? Win2000????????????????×????? AMD 64
±???±???°?×° 64bit WinXP ??·??ò????????????????????

?í???????ó?????????§???? Intel ?? Hyper-threading ??????---- ???????? P4 ?é??
???????í?÷??????°??????? HT ???????????ù???????? P4 ??????????×÷??????????????

?????? Intel ????·????????????????????? XP ????·??? HT ????????

The following desktop operating systems include optimizations for HT Technology and are currently eligible to carry the new Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor with HT Technology logo:
Microsoft* Windows* XP Professional Edition
Microsoft* Windows* XP Home Edition

The following desktop operating systems are not recommended for use with Hyper-Threading Technology. If you are using one of the following desktop operating systems, it is advised that you should disable Hyper-Threading Technology in the system BIOS Setup program:

Microsoft Windows 2000 (all versions)
Microsoft Windows NT* 4.0
Microsoft Windows Me
Microsoft Windows 98
Microsoft Windows 98 SE

???? kid ???×?í???á???????ú???°?ó?§×é×°???¨ P4-3.2G??1G ?????? ?¨?ú??kid
·???????????°??ü×°?ê Win2000????±????ò???????ú??????×??±?? super PI ?????????ü??
???????á????????·????ü±?×????? P4M1.6G ?ì?????à????(P4M 1 ·? 49 ????P4-3.2G 1 ·? 30 ??)
???¤·ò????????×????????????????ó·?????×°?? XP???á?????? Super PI??54s ??????·?????
P4-3.2G ???????????? Intel ?? Win2000?????§?? HT ??????·????¨??·?????????????

?????????ó???????ò?? AMD ×??????????í?÷?? Intel ×??????????í?÷?????????? Win2000
???????§?????????????à IT ???????? Win2000 ????·¨??×?????????????±??? Win2000????

??????????????WinXP ?????????§??·??§??±? Win2000 ?ó???à?????à???????è????????
???????????????????????ù?? kid ??ר????????

3??×??????í?????????§?? XP ???é??????????

±????????????????? IE °??????ó????????  IE7?????? 2004?ê09??03??
·??????????à??????·???????°??÷ Windows Media Player 10 ??
???????§??  Win XP ???? ??????±????? longhorn ?????????????? WinFX ??
???????? XP °?±???????

Adobe ?????????????? Premiere® Pro 1.5 ??

System requirements    Windows ??
Intel® Pentium® III 800MHz processor (Pentium 4 3GHz recommended)  
Microsoft® Windows XP  
256MB of RAM (1GB or more recommended)  
800MB of available hard-disk space for installation  

?????????á?? Win2000 ?§????????????

???ù???í?????á???????à?? ?????????? XD ?????????ù?????????? Win2000 ???????á??????????????????  

×????ù????Win2000 ???ê????????????????±??????????????????????????á????????????????
????°?×°???? Win2000 ???????±????±???????????×°?ú?÷?¨???????????¨?ú??????????
???????·???????? XP °?±???×??????????????????? XP °?±?????????
???é?? Win2000 ????

??×÷??????????????°é??×????í?à?ê?????????????í?é·?????????°é Windows 2000??

±???×÷??: landkid ??????±à??: HOPE ???????±??: 2005-4-8 00:17


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